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Female Friends

Connecting the different shades of Huemanity

Our Goals, Vision & Commitment

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“Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize.”


- Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie

AWỌ, Beyond Text Bookstore, AFRIICIONADO and Los Gatos Public Library




At a time characterized by alarming levels of polarization, distrust, and hatred, you are invited to participate in a "community read" event at the Los Gatos Public Library. Focusing on the themes of wellness and gratitude, participants will engage in various activities to bridge gaps, foster understanding, build community, explore the importance of self-care, and realize that we are not alone in our struggles and desire for a better world. 


Through this event, participants will have the opportunity to network with others and, hopefully, to form meaningful bonds with other community members. 


One shared resource for this gathering will be the newly published book Through the Lens of Gratitude. Before the event, you can get a copy from Beyond Text Bookstore Los Gatos. 



4:30 pm Arrival, UAH activity 1 & Conversations

4:45 pm Welcome, Introductions, Read & Share  

5:15 pm UAH Activity 2

5:20 pm Meet The Author- Kevin Carroll & Q & A

5:40 pm Movement & Wellness

5:50 pm Closing Remarks & Conversations

We are inviting you to join us in taking action. To stand up against hate of all forms in our communities. See you! 

Meet Our Guest Speakers & Presenters

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Dr. Dalenna Ruelas Hughes

Dr. Dalenna Ruelas Hughes (PsyD) is both a clinical psychologist and passionate servant leader that prioritizes creating a more just and caring world for all. Her professional career has been focused on achieving racial and economic equity for all – from providing, building, and enhancing programs that aim at eliminating poverty in executive leadership roles to building collaboration and engaging county, city, and community nonprofit networks for success. Before joining Sacred Heart Community Services, Dalenna served as the Director of Early Learning Initiatives for FIRST 5 Santa Clara County and Clinical Psychologist with the Center for Children and Youth at Jewish Families and Children Services.

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Kevin Caroll

A native of San Francisco, Kevin has lived in the Santa Clara Valley since 1972. He is a graduate of Santa Clara University and the University of San Francisco. After more than forty years as an educator, Kevin has published six books, three of them on the topic of gratitude. Kevin is married, the father of three adult sons, and "Papa" to five wonderful grandchildren.

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Michele Westlaken

Michele Westlaken is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner™️ based in Silicon Valley, CA. 
Her diverse background as a figure skater, visual artist, Montessori teacher, and mother informs her approach to life long learning. Having overcome debilitating back pain through practicing the Feldenkrais Method™️emphasizes self-care, wellness, and gratitude in her practice. The exquisitely crafted lessons promote awareness and well-being by guiding attention, reducing effort, and gently revealing habitual patterns that may lead to wear and tear. Michele believes that by taking excellent care of ourselves we can more authentically share and connect with others.

There are many people with different shades of skin color, all with their own unique and often unheard stories. What would our neighborhoods, schools, workplaces or places of worship feel like if we embraced the stories of those different from ourselves?

Our Story


Our story begins in Lagos, Nigeria


implicit bias

One story,

many shades

Programs bringing

us together


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